Deletion Statement
- Our website ( complies with relevant laws and regulations. As all resources on our site are sourced from the internet, we are unable to verify the authenticity of any potential copyright infringements.
- Our mission is to create the most popular AI tools directory, making it easier for users to find suitable AI applications. Due to the abundance of resources, our site may unintentionally publish content that could harm or affect your legal rights. However, this is not done knowingly. If your legal rights have been affected, please promptly contact our site administrator for resolution.
- Given time and resource constraints, we have made every effort to verify the authenticity and reliability of each piece of information at the time of publication.
- Regardless of the reason for requesting content removal from our site, you are required to provide relevant proof; otherwise, we will not process the request.
Principal Requirements
- Whether the request is due to an infringement by our site or content that may affect your rights, all deletion or modification requests can only be submitted by the relevant rights holder.
- If you wish to delete or modify content, you must be the direct rights holder and must provide relevant proof of ownership.
- Indirect rights holders, such as affiliated companies or friends, must have authorization from the direct rights holder.
Processing Procedure
- Required materials: proof of ownership from the direct rights holder, an authorization document from the rights holder to the person handling the request, and the deletion/modification request document. All documents must be stamped with an official seal (attachments can be downloaded at the bottom of this page).
- After completing the documents, please print, stamp with an official seal, and send the scanned copies to:
- Please note: Only this email address accepts deletion/modification requests, and we only support contact via email (for future reference).